use std::fmt::Write; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; const INPUT: &str = include_str!("../input/day20.txt"); pub fn run() -> Result { let mut res = String::with_capacity(128); writeln!(res, "part 1: {}", part1(INPUT)?)?; Ok(res) } fn part1(input: &str) -> Result { let tiles: Vec = input.split("\n\n").map(str::parse).collect::>()?; Ok(tiles .iter() .filter_map(|tile| { let count = tile.neighbours(&tiles).len(); // corners have 2 edges in common if count == 2 { Some( } else { None } }) .product()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum Rotation { R90, R180, R270, } /// Represents a transformation of a tile or image. /// /// Note: we don't need a horizontal and a vertical flip, these result in the same output as a 180 /// degree rotation when combined, so only one is necessary #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct Transform { flip: bool, rotation: Option, } impl Transform { fn new(flip: bool, rotation: Option) -> Self { Self { flip, rotation } } fn all() -> Vec { vec![ Transform::new(false, None), Transform::new(false, Some(Rotation::R90)), Transform::new(false, Some(Rotation::R180)), Transform::new(false, Some(Rotation::R270)), Transform::new(true, None), Transform::new(true, Some(Rotation::R90)), Transform::new(true, Some(Rotation::R180)), Transform::new(true, Some(Rotation::R270)), ] } } impl Default for Transform { fn default() -> Self { Self { flip: false, rotation: None, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Position { Down, Left, Right, Up, } impl Position { fn opposite(&self) -> Self { match self { Self::Down => Self::Up, Self::Left => Self::Right, Self::Right => Self::Left, Self::Up => Self::Down, } } fn ordered() -> [Self; 4] { [Self::Down, Self::Left, Self::Right, Self::Up] } } const TILE_WIDTH: usize = 10; const TILE_HEIGHT: usize = 10; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Tile { id: u64, cells: [[bool; TILE_WIDTH]; TILE_HEIGHT], transform: Transform, } type Borders = [Vec; 4]; impl Tile { fn with_transform(&self, transform: Transform) -> Self { let mut res = self.clone(); res.transform = transform; res } /// Returns the tile's 4 borders, according to its current transformation. /// /// See [`Self::borders_with_transform()`] for more details fn borders(&self) -> Borders { self.borders_with_transform(self.transform) } /// Returns the tile's 4 borders, according to the provided transformation. /// /// Each border is associated with its position on the tile fn borders_with_transform(&self, transform: Transform) -> Borders { let mut up = Vec::new(); let mut down = Vec::new(); for k in 0..TILE_WIDTH { up.push(self.get_with_transform(0, k, transform)); down.push(self.get_with_transform(TILE_HEIGHT - 1, k, transform)); } let mut left = Vec::new(); let mut right = Vec::new(); for k in 0..TILE_HEIGHT { left.push(self.get_with_transform(k, 0, transform)); right.push(self.get_with_transform(k, TILE_WIDTH - 1, transform)); } // NOTE: the ordering is important, must use the enum's integer representations as indices [down, left, right, up] } /// Returns the pixel at indices (i, j) in the tile. /// /// Uses the tile's current `self.transform`. fn get(&self, i: usize, j: usize) -> bool { self.get_with_transform(i, j, self.transform) } /// Returns the pixel at indices (i, j) in the tile, using the provided transform. fn get_with_transform(&self, mut i: usize, mut j: usize, transform: Transform) -> bool { if let Some(rotation) = transform.rotation { match rotation { Rotation::R90 => { let prev_i = i; i = j; j = (TILE_WIDTH - 1) - prev_i; } Rotation::R180 => { i = (TILE_HEIGHT - 1) - i; j = (TILE_WIDTH - 1) - j; } Rotation::R270 => { let prev_j = j; j = i; i = (TILE_HEIGHT - 1) - prev_j; } } } if transform.flip { i = (TILE_HEIGHT - 1) - i; } self.cells[i][j] } /// Returns a list of neighbour tiles, along with the offset where they'd fit compared to the /// current tile (depending on which borders match) fn neighbours(&self, tiles: &[Tile]) -> Vec<(Position, Tile)> { let borders = &self.borders(); tiles .iter() .filter(|other| *other != self) .flat_map(|other| { Transform::all().into_iter().filter_map(move |transform| { let other_borders = other.borders_with_transform(transform); for (bord, pos) in other_borders.iter().zip(Position::ordered().iter()) { let opposite = pos.opposite(); if bord == &borders[opposite as usize] { return Some((opposite, other.with_transform(transform))); } } None }) }) .collect() } } impl std::cmp::PartialEq for Tile { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { == } } impl std::str::FromStr for Tile { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let mut lines = s.lines(); let title ="couldn't find line with tile ID")?; let space = title.find(' ').unwrap(); let colon = title.find(':').unwrap(); let id = title[(space + 1)..colon].parse()?; let mut cells = [[false; TILE_WIDTH]; TILE_HEIGHT]; lines .enumerate() .try_for_each::<_, Result<()>>(|(i, line)| { line.chars().enumerate().try_for_each(|(j, c)| { let c = match c { '#' => true, '.' => false, _ => return Err(anyhow!("unknown char `{}` while parsing tile", c)), }; cells[i][j] = c; Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) })?; Ok(Tile { id, cells, transform: Transform::default(), }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; const PROVIDED: &str = include_str!("../input/day20_provided.txt"); #[test] fn part1_provided() { assert_eq!(part1(PROVIDED).unwrap(), 20_899_048_083_289); } #[test] fn part1_real() { assert_eq!(part1(INPUT).unwrap(), 5_775_714_912_743); } }