#+title: BadNews: Matrix Bot, Bringer of Bad News * What is this? =BadNews= is a [[https://matrix.org][Matrix]] bot, watching your systemd/journald logs, and reporting bad news to you. * Why? A mix of wanting to toy around with the [[https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk][matrix_sdk crate]] and getting some simple alerts from my hosted services. * Setup Write up a configuration file at =config.yaml=: #+begin_src yaml homeserver: "https://matrix.example.net" username: "bad-news" password: "matrix password for user bad-news" state_dir: "state/" room_id: "!DeaDbEef:example.net" units: - nginx.service #+end_src Then run the bot: #+begin_src sh cargo run -- --config config.yaml #+end_src