/***** ltl2ba : mem.c *****/ /* Written by Denis Oddoux, LIAFA, France */ /* Copyright (c) 2001 Denis Oddoux */ /* Modified by Paul Gastin, LSV, France */ /* Copyright (c) 2007 Paul Gastin */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/ /* */ /* Based on the translation algorithm by Gastin and Oddoux, */ /* presented at the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided */ /* Verification, CAV 2001, Paris, France. */ /* Proceedings - LNCS 2102, pp. 53-65 */ /* */ /* Send bug-reports and/or questions to Paul Gastin */ /* http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin */ /* */ /* Some of the code in this file was taken from the Spin software */ /* Written by Gerard J. Holzmann, Bell Laboratories, U.S.A. */ #include "ltl2ba.h" #if 1 #define log(e, u, d) event[e][(int) u] += (long) d; #else #define log(e, u, d) #endif #define A_LARGE 80 #define A_USER 0x55000000 #define NOTOOBIG 32768 #define POOL 0 #define ALLOC 1 #define FREE 2 #define NREVENT 3 extern unsigned long All_Mem; extern int tl_verbose; ATrans *atrans_list = (ATrans *)0; GTrans *gtrans_list = (GTrans *)0; BTrans *btrans_list = (BTrans *)0; int aallocs = 0, afrees = 0, apool = 0; int gallocs = 0, gfrees = 0, gpool = 0; int ballocs = 0, bfrees = 0, bpool = 0; union M { long size; union M *link; }; static union M *freelist[A_LARGE]; static long req[A_LARGE]; static long event[NREVENT][A_LARGE]; void * tl_emalloc(int U) { union M *m; long r, u; void *rp; u = (long) ((U-1)/sizeof(union M) + 2); if (u >= A_LARGE) { log(ALLOC, 0, 1); if (tl_verbose) printf("tl_spin: memalloc %ld bytes\n", u); m = (union M *) emalloc((int) u*sizeof(union M)); All_Mem += (unsigned long) u*sizeof(union M); } else { if (!freelist[u]) { r = req[u] += req[u] ? req[u] : 1; if (r >= NOTOOBIG) r = req[u] = NOTOOBIG; log(POOL, u, r); freelist[u] = (union M *) emalloc((int) r*u*sizeof(union M)); All_Mem += (unsigned long) r*u*sizeof(union M); m = freelist[u] + (r-2)*u; for ( ; m >= freelist[u]; m -= u) m->link = m+u; } log(ALLOC, u, 1); m = freelist[u]; freelist[u] = m->link; } m->size = (u|A_USER); for (r = 1; r < u; ) (&m->size)[r++] = 0; rp = (void *) (m+1); memset(rp, 0, U); return rp; } void tfree(void *v) { union M *m = (union M *) v; long u; --m; if ((m->size&0xFF000000) != A_USER) Fatal("releasing a free block", (char *)0); u = (m->size &= 0xFFFFFF); if (u >= A_LARGE) { log(FREE, 0, 1); /* free(m); */ } else { log(FREE, u, 1); m->link = freelist[u]; freelist[u] = m; } } ATrans* emalloc_atrans() { ATrans *result; if(!atrans_list) { result = (ATrans *)tl_emalloc(sizeof(GTrans)); result->pos = new_set(1); result->neg = new_set(1); result->to = new_set(0); apool++; } else { result = atrans_list; atrans_list = atrans_list->nxt; result->nxt = (ATrans *)0; } aallocs++; return result; } void free_atrans(ATrans *t, int rec) { if(!t) return; if(rec) free_atrans(t->nxt, rec); t->nxt = atrans_list; atrans_list = t; afrees++; } void free_all_atrans() { ATrans *t; while(atrans_list) { t = atrans_list; atrans_list = t->nxt; tfree(t->to); tfree(t->pos); tfree(t->neg); tfree(t); } } GTrans* emalloc_gtrans() { GTrans *result; if(!gtrans_list) { result = (GTrans *)tl_emalloc(sizeof(GTrans)); result->pos = new_set(1); result->neg = new_set(1); result->final = new_set(0); gpool++; } else { result = gtrans_list; gtrans_list = gtrans_list->nxt; } gallocs++; return result; } void free_gtrans(GTrans *t, GTrans *sentinel, int fly) { gfrees++; if(sentinel && (t != sentinel)) { free_gtrans(t->nxt, sentinel, fly); if(fly) t->to->incoming--; } t->nxt = gtrans_list; gtrans_list = t; } BTrans* emalloc_btrans() { BTrans *result; if(!btrans_list) { result = (BTrans *)tl_emalloc(sizeof(BTrans)); result->pos = new_set(1); result->neg = new_set(1); bpool++; } else { result = btrans_list; btrans_list = btrans_list->nxt; } ballocs++; return result; } void free_btrans(BTrans *t, BTrans *sentinel, int fly) { bfrees++; if(sentinel && (t != sentinel)) { free_btrans(t->nxt, sentinel, fly); if(fly) t->to->incoming--; } t->nxt = btrans_list; btrans_list = t; } void a_stats(void) { long p, a, f; int i; printf(" size\t pool\tallocs\t frees\n"); for (i = 0; i < A_LARGE; i++) { p = event[POOL][i]; a = event[ALLOC][i]; f = event[FREE][i]; if(p|a|f) printf("%5d\t%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\n", i, p, a, f); } printf("atrans\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\n", apool, aallocs, afrees); printf("gtrans\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\n", gpool, gallocs, gfrees); printf("btrans\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\n", bpool, ballocs, bfrees); }