{ lib }: let inherit (lib) mkOption types ; mkColorOption = import ./color.nix { inherit lib; }; barColorSetModule = types.submodule { options = { border = mkColorOption {}; background = mkColorOption {}; text = mkColorOption {}; }; }; colorSetModule = types.submodule { options = { border = mkColorOption {}; childBorder = mkColorOption {}; background = mkColorOption {}; text = mkColorOption {}; indicator = mkColorOption {}; }; }; in types.submodule { options = { bar = mkOption { type = types.submodule { options = { background = mkColorOption { default = "#000000"; description = "Background color of the bar."; }; statusline = mkColorOption { default = "#ffffff"; description = "Text color to be used for the statusline."; }; separator = mkColorOption { default = "#666666"; description = "Text color to be used for the separator."; }; focusedWorkspace = mkOption { type = barColorSetModule; default = { border = "#4c7899"; background = "#285577"; text = "#ffffff"; }; description = '' Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace has focus. ''; }; activeWorkspace = mkOption { type = barColorSetModule; default = { border = "#333333"; background = "#5f676a"; text = "#ffffff"; }; description = '' Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace is active. ''; }; inactiveWorkspace = mkOption { type = barColorSetModule; default = { border = "#333333"; background = "#222222"; text = "#888888"; }; description = '' Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace does not have focus and is not active. ''; }; urgentWorkspace = mkOption { type = barColorSetModule; default = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; }; description = '' Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace contains a window with the urgency hint set. ''; }; bindingMode = mkOption { type = barColorSetModule; default = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; }; description = "Border, background and text color for the binding mode indicator"; }; }; }; default = {}; }; background = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "#ffffff"; description = '' Background color of the window. Only applications which do not cover the whole area expose the color. ''; }; focused = mkOption { type = colorSetModule; default = { border = "#4c7899"; background = "#285577"; text = "#ffffff"; indicator = "#2e9ef4"; childBorder = "#285577"; }; description = "A window which currently has the focus."; }; focusedInactive = mkOption { type = colorSetModule; default = { border = "#333333"; background = "#5f676a"; text = "#ffffff"; indicator = "#484e50"; childBorder = "#5f676a"; }; description = '' A window which is the focused one of its container, but it does not have the focus at the moment. ''; }; unfocused = mkOption { type = colorSetModule; default = { border = "#333333"; background = "#222222"; text = "#888888"; indicator = "#292d2e"; childBorder = "#222222"; }; description = "A window which is not focused."; }; urgent = mkOption { type = colorSetModule; default = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; indicator = "#900000"; childBorder = "#900000"; }; description = "A window which has its urgency hint activated."; }; placeholder = mkOption { type = colorSetModule; default = { border = "#000000"; background = "#0c0c0c"; text = "#ffffff"; indicator = "#000000"; childBorder = "#0c0c0c"; }; description = '' Background and text color are used to draw placeholder window contents (when restoring layouts). Border and indicator are ignored. ''; }; }; }