" This wipes all existing settings. This means that if a setting in this file is
" removed, then it will return to default. In other words, this file serves as
" as an enforced single point of truth for Tridactyl's configuration.
sanitize tridactyllocal tridactylsync

" Ctrl-F should use the browser's native 'find' functionality.
unbind <C-f>

" Tridactyl has an incomplete find mode
bind / fillcmdline find
bind ? fillcmdline find -?
bind n findnext 1
bind N findnext -1
bind ,<Space> nohlsearch

" case insensitive if lowercase, case sensitive if using some uppercase letters
set findcase smart

" New reddit is bad
autocmd DocStart ^http(s?)://www.reddit.com js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "old")

" Orange site / Reddit / Lobste.rs specific hints to toggle comments
bind ;c hint -Jc [class*="expand"],[class="togg"],[class="comment_folder"]

" Use emacs as editor
set editorcmd emacsclient -c

" copy all the things
set yankto both

blacklistadd netflix.com
blacklistadd localhost