Update init.el

Keep up with init.example.el changes from doom-emacs
This commit is contained in:
Antoine Martin 2020-11-06 19:09:08 +01:00
parent 42c432d1d1
commit a1f8917761

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@ -4,19 +4,20 @@
;; in. Remember to run 'doom sync' after modifying it!
;; NOTE Press 'SPC h d h' (or 'C-h d h' for non-vim users) to access Doom's
;; documentation. There you'll find information about all of Doom's
;; modules and what flags they support.
;; documentation. There you'll find a "Module Index" link where you'll find
;; a comprehensive list of Doom's modules and what flags they support.
;; NOTE Move your cursor over a module's name (or its flags) and press 'K' (or
;; 'C-c g k' for non-vim users) to view its documentation. This works on
;; 'C-c c k' for non-vim users) to view its documentation. This works on
;; flags as well (those symbols that start with a plus).
;; Alternatively, press 'gd' (or 'C-c g d') on a module to browse its
;; Alternatively, press 'gd' (or 'C-c c d') on a module to browse its
;; directory (for easy access to its source code).
(doom! :input
;;layout ; auie,ctsrnm is the superior home row
;;company ; the ultimate code completion backend
@ -30,17 +31,18 @@
;;doom-dashboard ; a nifty splash screen for Emacs
;;doom-quit ; DOOM quit-message prompts when you quit Emacs
fill-column ; a `fill-column' indicator
;;(emoji +unicode) ; 🙂
;;indent-guides ; highlighted indent columns
;;ligatures ; ligatures and symbols to make your code pretty again
;;minimap ; show a map of the code on the side
(modeline +light) ; snazzy, Atom-inspired modeline, plus API
;;nav-flash ; blink cursor line after big motions
;;neotree ; a project drawer, like NERDTree for vim
;;ophints ; highlight the region an operation acts on
(popup +defaults) ; tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows
;;pretty-code ; ligatures or substitute text with pretty symbols
;;tabs ; an tab bar for Emacs
;;tabs ; a tab bar for Emacs
;;treemacs ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler
;;unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages
vc-gutter ; vcs diff in the fringe
@ -92,7 +94,6 @@
;;gist ; interacting with github gists
lookup ; navigate your code and its documentation
;;macos ; MacOS-specific commands
(magit ; a git porcelain for Emacs
;;make ; run make tasks from Emacs
@ -100,10 +101,15 @@
;;pdf ; pdf enhancements
;;prodigy ; FIXME managing external services & code builders
rgb ; creating color strings
;;taskrunner ; taskrunner for all your projects
;;terraform ; infrastructure as code
;;tmux ; an API for interacting with tmux
;;upload ; map local to remote projects via ssh/ftp
(:if IS-MAC macos) ; improve compatibility with macOS
;;tty ; improve the terminal Emacs experience
;;agda ; types of types of types of types...
cc ; C/C++/Obj-C madness
@ -122,10 +128,11 @@
;;faust ; dsp, but you get to keep your soul
;;fsharp ; ML stands for Microsoft's Language
;;fstar ; (dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3
;;gdscript ; the language you waited for
go ; the hipster dialect
haskell ; a language that's lazier than I am
;;hy ; readability of scheme w/ speed of python
;;idris ;
;;idris ; a language you can depend on
;;json ; At least it ain't XML
;;(java +meghanada) ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndrome
;;javascript ; all(hope(abandon(ye(who(enter(here))))))
@ -143,13 +150,13 @@
(org ; organize your plain life in plain text
;;perl ; write code no one else can comprehend
;;php ; perl's insecure younger brother
;;plantuml ; diagrams for confusing people more
;;purescript ; javascript, but functional
;;python ; beautiful is better than ugly
;;qt ; the 'cutest' gui framework ever
;;racket ; a DSL for DSLs
;;raku ; the artist formerly known as perl6
;;rest ; Emacs as a REST client
;;rst ; ReST in peace
;;(ruby +rails) ; 1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"}