Nuke Roam related settings that are no longer relevant

This commit is contained in:
Antoine Martin 2022-04-07 14:34:06 +02:00
parent 812b4aa9fe
commit f84c452c13

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@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
- [[#save-all-org-buffers-shortcut][Save all org buffers shortcut]] - [[#save-all-org-buffers-shortcut][Save all org buffers shortcut]]
- [[#roam][Roam]] - [[#roam][Roam]]
- [[#roam-directory][Roam Directory]] - [[#roam-directory][Roam Directory]]
- [[#graph-browser][Graph browser]]
- [[#roam-link-font-face][Roam link font face]]
- [[#roam-capture-template][Roam capture template]]
- [[#export-backends][Export backends]] - [[#export-backends][Export backends]]
- [[#doom-specific][Doom specific]] - [[#doom-specific][Doom specific]]
- [[#magit][Magit]] - [[#magit][Magit]]
@ -425,75 +422,6 @@ First, set a directory where =org-roam= will index things.
(setq org-roam-directory (expand-file-name "notes/" org-directory)) (setq org-roam-directory (expand-file-name "notes/" org-directory))
*** Graph browser
Instruct =org-roam= to use =firefox-developer-edition= to open the graph:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-roam-graph-viewer (executable-find "firefox"))
*** Roam link font face
Change link color for =org-roam= links, to distinguish them from standard Org
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! org-roam
(set-face-attribute 'org-roam-link nil :foreground "#FF8860"))
*** Roam capture template
Customize the capture templates:
- the first one is [[][the default one]], I just removed the timestamp from the file
- the second one I use to create new entries about website links, blog posts,
articles... The ~%x~ in the template is replaced by the content of my X
clipboard, so I just have to copy the website URL before capturing it.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! org-roam
(setq org-roam-capture-templates
'(("d" "default" plain (function org-roam-capture--get-point)
:file-name "${slug}"
:head "#+TITLE: ${title}\n"
:unnarrowed t)
("i" "instant" plain (function org-roam-capture--get-point)
:file-name "${slug}"
:head "#+TITLE: ${title}\n"
:unnarrowed t
:immediate-finish t)
("w" "website" plain (function org-roam-capture--get-point)
:file-name "websites/${slug}"
:head "#+TITLE: ${title}\n#+ROAM_KEY: %x\n"
:unnarrowed t)
("p" "paper" plain (function org-roam-capture--get-point)
:file-name "papers/${slug}"
:head "#+TITLE: ${title}\n"
:unnarrowed t))))
**** Roam daily capture templates
Also setup daily captures templates, mainly used to store them in a =journal/=
directory instead of at the root.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! org-roam
(setq org-roam-dailies-capture-templates
'(("d" "daily" plain (function org-roam-capture--get-point)
:immediate-finish t
:file-name "journal/%<%Y-%m-%d>"
:head "#+TITLE: %<%Y-%m-%d>"))))
** Export backends ** Export backends
Sometimes I need to export an Org subtree to a file, which is quite easy with Sometimes I need to export an Org subtree to a file, which is quite easy with